
Kalle Kraus

Plenary Speaker

Professor Kalle Kraus
Stockholm School of Economics

We are pleased to announce that the plenary for ASOP 2024 will be given by Professor Kalle Kraus. Kalle is Professor and Head of the Department of Accounting at the Stockholm School of Economics (SSE). He is also part-time Professor at the Department of Accounting at Monash Business School. Kalle's research interests are in performance measurement, digitization, and accounting and sport. He has also published on the connections between accounting and emotion, risk management, and inter-organisational relationships.

Ms Susheela Peres da Costa

Industry Speaker

Ms Susheela Peres da Costa

We are delighted to announce that the industry speaker at ASOP 2024 will be Ms Susheela Peres da Costa. Susheela is Principal at the Stewardship Centre, and a director on the boards of the Nature Conservation Council of NSW, Beyond Zero Emissions, and US-based think tank, The Shareholder Commons. She was chair / deputy chair of RIAA from 2012-2022. Susheela has been advising financial institutions on responsible investment and sustainable markets governance, strategy, and implementation since 2006. Her clients include some of the world's largest banks, pension funds, wealth advisers and asset managers, and major global responsible investment organisations such as the UN-backed Principles for Responsible Investment; focussing on building institutional capacity to discriminate real from illusory impact. Her previous roles included leading Regnan's advisory and its stewardship programs.